Self-confidence is the belief in oneself.
Yoga is the practice of building and maintaining both physical and mental health. 
Yoga can improve your self-confidence by working on:
  1. Self Awareness- The regular practice of yoga helps you to understand your body and mind, its capabilities and potential.
  2. Physical Fitness- It is a well known fact that exercise helps you feel better. Through the regular practice of yoga, you incorporate a number of postures that stretch and lengthen your muscles.
  3. Body Alignment- When we slouch, our organs get squashed together. This diminishes their capacity to function effectively and as a result hampers your productivity and confidence. Yoga corrects poor postures and in turn helps you feel energized and as a result, confident.
  4. Mental Strength- Stress is amongst the most prominent causes of mental fatigue. It consumes energy, breeds negativity and depression. Yoga believes that a healthy mind is essential for a healthy life. Regular yoga helps to clear the mind of negativity and clutter.
I got together with my very best yogi friends, Briana and DJ to host #confidentyogis on Instagram. We compiled 12 words that showed confidence and strength of character to us, and asked our followers to give us their definition of that word, along with a pose that embodied that word for them. Here are the 12 words and my pose for each word. 

To see Briana's and DJ's, go check them out and give them love on Instagram.

Lord grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.
-Saint Francis of Assisi 

You have to accept things that cannot be changed, or else you will drive yourself mad with regret and resentment. Take what is given to you and make the best of it. Once you open your heart to accepting, you'll find peace. When you accept others for who they are and let go of the expectation that others should do what you like, then you will stop being disappointed and start living more happily. Complete acceptance of others, of their looks, their actions and of their beliefs, leads to tranquility. And please don't forget that you have to accept yourself for who you are and all you've done. How can anyone else love and respect you, if you do not love and respect you? 

So today, live with acceptance.

You haven't change a bit,
You look just as exquisite.
You grace this planet with sheer sophistication,
Elegantly embodying your regal disposition.
-Shani Jonas

Regal means Royal. Impressive. Noble. Majestic. 
Regal is something suitable for a king. It is something of excellence and magnificence. If you are regal, you stand proud and live with great values and morals. If you are regal you practice good manners and are looked up to. The key to being regal, is that you exude all of these qualities with grace. You are not snobbish or condescending. You are not pretentious or egotistic. It is a careful balance to achieve; knowing you are great and made for excellence, but also realizing that others are as well. Today, walk tall in your skin. Be dignified in your words, thoughts and actions. Live today with great honor and radiate like a king or queen.

If we did all the things we were capable of, we would literally astound ourselves.
-Thomas Edison

Capable means able to do things well. We have all been faced with something that we were sure we could never, ever do. And we have all had a moment when, one day, we were able to do that thing. You are capable of doing so much more than you think you can do. Today, know that you are a capable person who can handle anything that comes your way.

There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man; true nobility is bent superior to your former self.
-Ernest Hemingway

We have already talked about how important it is to be regal and walk with pride in oneself. This is very true. But we do not walk with the feeling that we are better than anyone else. We must rise each day and strive to be better than who we were yesterday. That is all that matters. I once read that "a person can achieve everything by being simple and humble." What a lovely notion.

I've learned that you shouldn't go through life with a catcher's mitt on both hands; you need to be able to throw something back.
-Maya Angelou

Miss Briana chose this word and I love her for it. She is so very spunky. It's a word used to describe someone who has spirit or courage; someone with determination and boldness. As a woman, I think it's an important characteristic to have. A woman with some sass and some spunk is sexy...strong. We are so often nurturers, taking care of others and putting our needs aside. It is important to balance that with some strong-willed attitude and feistiness. I am not spunky. It is not natural for me. It's something I need to work towards. Live with spunk today ladies. And I will do my best! And fellas, love those strong, spunky women in your life. 

Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.
-Mahatma Gandhi

How beautiful and how true. I don't have to tell you why it's important to be happy. I'm just here to remind you to find happiness in your every day. They say happy people don't have the best of everything, they just make the best of everything. So today, maybe you can find pleasures in the simple things. I think about my daughter when I think of this word. Not only because she gives me such joy, but also because children are so innately full of joy. Somehow we loose that as we get older. Find your lighthearted spirit today. Namaste my friends.

I don't think of all the misery but of the beauty that still remains.
Anne Frank

Resiliency is the ability to recover from misfortune. No matter how shitty yesterday was, each day we rise out of bed to face the world again. We show resiliency every single day, by simply choosing to show up for the day. I recently read an article about how yoga helps to teach us to be resilient. It taught on these three yogic actions: 

tapas-intense effort
ishvara pranidhana-a surrender to a higher reality

These three actions strike at the root of suffering. Tapas is practiced in class, when you're asked to bend deeper into your chair pose and just...stay there. Tapas teaches us endurance and to hold tight when fear, sadness and frustration try to take over. Svadhyaya asks "Who am I?" It helps us identify our basic goodness and helps us see the beauty of our heart. Ishvara pranidhana teaches us to accept reality. Some suffering comes from the refusal to accept reality and ishvara pranidhana helps us choose an attitude of deep acceptance. It lets us experience life's inevitable hardships and disappointments without resistance and anger. The physical practice of yoga often gives people inner tranquility and can be a support during difficult times. 

Peace is a gift of yoga. 

Because fear kills everything...your mind, your heart, your imagination.
-Cornelia Funke

I have never been very fearless person. As I kid I avoided anything that could hurt me. I avoided doing things that could get me into trouble. And still today, I'm afraid. I'm afraid of making the wrong choice. Afraid of looking dumb. Afraid of hurting someone's feelings. So today, because Briana told me to, I will try my best to be courageous and live boldly, bravely, and without fear. 


Children see magic because they look for it.
-Christopher Moore

Imagination is the ability to form a mental image of something that is not actually experienced by your senses. You do not see it with your eyes. You do not hear it with your ears. You cannot smell it or taste it or feel it, but you create it in your mind anyway. Imagination makes it possible to see things from a different point of view. Imagination gives us the ability to get out of the real world and dive (or fly!) into a world of fantasy. It is necessary for invention. Without it, we would not have books or stories or music or art. Imagination opens up new and fascinating opportunities. 

Play today. Dream today. 

Every natural action is graceful.
-Ralph Waldo Emerson

Grace is simple elegance of movement. Grace is effortless beauty and charm. In Christian faith, Grace is the free and unmerited favor of God. In Hindi faith, Grace is the ultimate key needed to transcend lifetimes of karma. In Islamic faith, Grace and Mercy from Allah get you to Paradise. In Ancient Greek texts, the Graces were three goddesses who dispensed charm and beauty. Whichever definition you focus on, Grace seems like a necessary and wonderful quality to have. 

Let us be true: this is the highest maxim of art and of life, the secret of eloquence and of virtue, and of all moral authority.
-Henri Frederic Amiel

Not qualified or diminished in any way. Total. Complete. True. Perfect. Pure.

How difficult it is to be authentically and absolutely you in a world where you are perpetually judged and criticized. Having the courage to be uniquely you at all times, even when others are watching, is the hardest thing to do. But, as Shakespeare said, "to thine own self be true." Absolutely!


Being powerful is like being a lady. If you have to tell people you are, you aren't.
-Margaret Thatcher

I love this quote. You have power in you, but take care to use it for goodness. Help people rise up. Conquer new obstacles. Change your world for the better. 

Thank you yogis for getting confident with us this month. And as always, thank you to my favorites @briyr and @dade2shelby. I love you two. 
Be Powerful 
Be Imaginative 
Be Capable 
Be Blithesome 
Be Graceful 
Be Accepting 
Be Resilient 
Be Humble 
Be Fearless 
Be Spunky 
Be Absolute 
Be Regal

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